We are here to help you tell your story.


My name is Robert Gifford. I started this company in 2003.

I have been working in Film/Video/Audio Production for over 25 years.

I also currently teach video production and sound design at Lesley University
in Boston, MA. where I have been working for the past 17 years.


What have you been doing? How can I help you tell your story?

We work on projects for individuals,such as creating a family documentary.
We collaborate with companies trying to get their message out to a specific audience.
We work with tradespeople,lecturers and artists who are trying to provide information
about their product or services or showcase their talents.

   I am personally involved in every project we undertake. I oversee all production proposals and often work as the Videographer and Editor for all productions. I work with a number of associates who are professional photographers, videographers, audio technicians and media experts . I bring in their expertise and additional crew as needed based on the requirements of the specific production. With this approach, I can keep overall costs down. My clients only pay for the services they need not for all of my overhead.

We work with Educators,Health Care Professionals,Scientists,Lawyers,Market Research companies,Artists and Performers.


© 2016 Beacon Multimedia Services